Digital UNIX
PrevChapter 10. InternationalizationNext

Internationalization and Motif

Motif Version 1.2.3 takes advantage of many of the internationalization features of X11R6 and the C library to support locales. Motif Version 1.2.3 also supports the use of alternate input methods, which allows input of non-ISO Latin-1 keystrokes, and delivers an extensively rewritten XmText widget which supports multibyte and wide characters and on-the-spot input style.

Motif supports multibyte and wide characters through the use of the X multibyte functions, and the localized C run-time functions (such as strlen). In addition, the compound string routines have been modified to include the X11R6 XFontSet functionality to allow for the creation of localized strings.

The User Interface Language (UIL) supports the creation of localized UID files through the -s compile-time switch on the UIL compiler, which causes the compiler to construct localized strings.

Alternate input methods can be specified by a resource on the VendorShell widget. Widgets that are parented by a Shell class widget can take advantage of this resource and register themselves as using a specific method for input.

The following sections discuss additional Motif internationalization functionality.

Internationalized Motif Widgets

The following lists contain the widgets in the Motif Toolkit and in the DECwindows Extensions to the Motif Toolkit that support local language characters I/O capabilities and local language message displays.

Note that the Motif UIL compiler has been extended to support local language characters in UIL files.

Internationalized Common Desktop Environment (CDE)

CDE becomes the default desktop for Digital UNIX V4.0. Digital UNIX provides internationalization support for the following CDE clients:

Internationalized DECwindows X Clients

Digital UNIX Version 4.0 provides internationalization support for the following DECwindows X clients:

Special Support for Ideogrammatic LanguagesUpSecurity